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Portrait Verena mit Jonglierkeulen

Firy, full of energy and her hottest juggling tricks: Verena's latest stage Act!

In this brand new routine, Verena shows her hottest tricks with three clubs, which earned her the titel of German Champion in Technical Juggling in 2023. Behind the back, with arms crossed, over her head and all around her body, she throws and catches and keeps the audience on their toes with excitement. Verena is famous for her musicality - within and outside the juggling scene. Every movement takes up the rhythm of the music, the clubs are caught to the beat to embody the vibe of the music. Like a phoenix she flies around the stage. Inspired by and to the music of Fallout Boy, you'll see a great spectacle of choreography and juggling, supported visually by Verenas flaming red costume and make-up.


Duration: 4 minutes

Requirements: ca. 5 x 5 m floor space, min. 3,5 m ceiling height

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